Monday, July 9, 2007

omg omg omg! i finally found the Elvis Reese's Peanut Butter Cups at my local Long's Drugs. first off, be aware that these are not normally-sized peanut butter cups. they are (hyuk hyuk) King Sized, and as such, they are enormously caloriffic.

the banana creme is not really "creme" so much as... uhh... i don't know what it is. it is quite firm, almost the same texture as the chocolate coating. it is easily separated from the rest of the cup, if that's the naughty sort of game you like to play with your candy.

the good news is, these are pretty damn tasty. the banana flavor is authentic, not that cloyingly artificial banana flavor you'd find in, say, a Laffy Taffy. and it really works with the slightly salty peanut butter glop. you know, i've also had the Reese's with Marshmallow and the Reese's with Caramel and i thought both of those tasted pretty much exactly like a regular PB cup. this one's probably my favorite, because it's different enough to be interesting but not so bizarre that it no longer resembles one of America's favorite fatty sweets.

the bad news is, presumably these are a limited edition, so get 'em while you can!


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