i went to the zoo this weekend and rather than pay those crazy prices for subpar zoo food, i stopped at Mitsuwa and bought some junk food instead.
first, i picked up perennial otaku favorite Pocky in "brazilian pudding" flavor. what exactly is brazilian pudding, you ask? i haven't a clue. a quick google search turned up this recipe, which sounds like a very basic milk-flavored concoction. the Pocky themselves were pretty tasty, although i find myself at a loss to describe the flavor. i guess it could be milk-ish, but i noted a subtle hint of coconut. i guess that makes it more tropical? anyway, two enthusiastic thumbs up on the taste and addictiveness, if not exactly hunger-satiating.
i also got my latest delivery of japanese kit kats over the weekend, including watermelon and brown sugar. i thought the watermelon was only so-so, basically because i couldn't actually identify the flavor as being watermelon. there was a faint aftertaste of something melon-y, but it was barely there. my friend found them much more enjoyable.
the brown sugar one... well... maybe i'm misunderstanding the description, because i love brown sugar but these were kind of rank. it could be a strong molasses flavor, but really they just... they're... uh... they really don't taste right at all. and i have a whole bag of them. d'oh. still, an interesting addition to my ridiculously huge assortment of kit kats from around the globe...