i really like dollar stores. there, i said it. now i won't exactly admit to spending a lot of money in these places; mostly it's just a kitschy way to spend a few minutes. but sometimes you run across interesting products you don't see anywhere else: test-market stuff, close-outs, foreign crap that doesn't meet FDA standards, etc.
there's a 99¢ Store just down the street from my condo, and i try to visit at least a couple times a month to see what's new. of course, i'm mainly concerned with their candy aisle (which sadly seems to have shrunk in recent weeks...)
one of my best 99¢ Store purchases ever: Pink Grapefruit Mentos. i'm pretty sure these were never widely available in the US, but they are totally awesome: zesty with bright, authentic citrus notes. there's even a hint of grapefruit peel bitterness lingering in the background! alas, these disappeared quickly and have not been seen since.
last week, i picked up a box of individually wrapped peppermint puffs from King Leo. i seem to find these mostly around christmas, often in stick form. but here they were, a 7oz box for just 99¢. there may have been something slightly lacking in the texture-- inconsistent and perhaps not as soft as i like-- but still pretty good for a buck (and of course i finished the box.)
at the moment, i'm in the mood for something a little more upscale, but i'll save that post for another time...